Microsoft Corporation & Anr v. Kurapati Venkata Jagdeesh Babu & Anr.
2014 SCC OnLine Del 521: (2014) 210 DLT 636: (2014) 2 AIR Del R 633: (2014) 57 PTC 601
Corum: Single Judge Bench comprising of Justice Manmohan Singh
Forum: Hon’ble Delhi High Court
Case No.: CS (OS) No. 2163/2010 & I.A. No.14225/2010
Date of Decision: February 3, 2014.

Note: The arguments of the Defendants were not mentioned as the case was proceeded against ex parte.


  • Microsoft Corporation (Plaintiff no. 1), established in 1975 in the USA, renowned as the leading software publisher for personal and business computing globally. Plaintiff no. 2 i.e. Microsoft Corporation India Private Ltd, its subsidiary, was established in 1989.
  • The Plaintiffs were registered owners of the "MICROSOFT" trademark in India, specifically in Classes 9 and 16.
  • Kurapati Venkata Jagdeesh Babu, the Defendant filed a trademark application ( the impugned application) for the mark “MICROSOFT MULTIMEDIA” dated 22nd April, 2009 in class 41 for services about education and training.
  • When the Plaintiffs contested the Defendant's trademark application before the Registrar of Trade Marks, the Defendants subsequently withdrew their application for registering the contentious mark.
  • Plaintiffs filed a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction, prevention of trademark and trade name infringement, passing off, accounting for profits, delivery up, and damages against Defendants.

Main issue:

Whether there was an infringement on the part of Defendant?